See this previous designer curated collection and how easy it is to now utilize QR Codes for clients to purchase seamlessly.
SideDoor Answers: How do I grab my collection's QR codes?
Step 1: Visit the draft of the collection you created and locate the Share Collection box on the right side of the editing page. Click the SHARE button and you will see a pop-up of all the available ways to share your collection including the new QR option.
Step 2: Navigate to the Share Proposal Link or Share Shop Link tab and, on the Link option, you will find a Download QR code that will redirect your client or customers to the whole proposal where they can checkout the whole collection or to the shop where your customers can pick an item or two to grab for themselves and leave you with additional earnings to keep.
Step 3: Find the QR code image that has been locally saved on your computer. Send this QR code to anybody you want to share your collection to. It is an image so it's a flexible and convenient addition to any of your marketing material - email, social media, and printed materials.